Monday, May 2, 2011

ASB’s 2011 Costume, Rehearsal, & Performance Guide

Costume and Performance Guide

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rehearsal Schedule

April Newsletter

The April issue of The Dancing Astorian is now available on our website. You should also receive a copy via email! Please read carefully! Important information included!

The Enchanted Aunts

Rehearsal schedules for April have been updated. Check back regularly for updated times and changes! Sign up for Google alerts to be notified when things change.
Don't miss rehearsals...only two absences allowed before dancer is pulled.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rehearsal Schedule

The rehearsal schedule for Spring Performance is available and on this blog. Please review carefully. The schedule will be updated each Sunday evening with any changes for the week. You may notice rehearsals for April and May are sparse. This will not be the case! I will be filling in those months as we get closer. Keep in mind too, that missing more than two rehearsals will result in your dancer being pulled from the show, unless you have already made prior arrangements with me.
Keep checking back for updates! And please let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


We are pleased to announce ASB's 2011 Spring Production will be an original adaptation of the classic Norwegian fairytale, THE THREE AUNTS! Casting will be posted Wednesday on the bulletin board in the studio office.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bench Days!

Don’t forget Bench Days are this week! All classes at ASB are open for observation!